FNLM – Congratulations to Dr. Rick Wallace
FNLM-NLM Annual Awards Gala Dinner
The Board of Directors of the Friends of the National Library of Medicine (FNLM) cordially invites you to the FNLM-NLM Annual Awards Gala Dinner on Tuesday September 10, on the Rooftop Garden of 101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC (overlooking the Capitol). Please make your reservation by September 3.
The Michael E. DeBakey Award Library Outreach Services Award winner this year is MLA member Rick L. Wallace, AHIP, Assistant Director, Quillen College of Medicine Library, East Tennessee State University–Johnson City. For more information on the awardees, please visit the Gala Dinner page. For information on sponsorships and other questions, please call the FNLM office at 202.679.9930.